Disease of Goats
Mastitis |
Enlarged hot, painful udder. Fever. Milk watery with flakes of blood. |
Improve hygiene. Application of antibiotics. |
Foot Rot |
Lameness, Hoof will look as if it is rotten and it will smell bad. Signs of pain is seen if pressed. |
Trimming, soaking in bath of water with CuSo4 |
Brucellosis |
Abortion in late pregnancy. Retention of placenta and metritis. In bucks infertility, orchitis and swollen joints are seen. | Isolation of infected animals. Vaccination Blood testing and culling of positive animals. |
Internal Parasites |
Loss of weight. Reduction in milk yield. Diarrhoea Anemia. |
Good quality food and clean water. Proper medication. |
External Parasites |
Restlessness, scratching, loss of weight, reduction in milk yield. |
Application of proper chemical as a dust, spray or a dip. |
Poisoning |
Unsteadiness followed by dullness and unconsciousness. Great pain and vomiting. Convulsion and eventual death. |
Keeping goats away from poisonous plants and chemicals. Immediate treatment.
Bloat |
Distended abdomen on left side, respiratory difficulty, restlessness. | A cup of mineral oil may bring relief. In acute cases removal of gas by making puncture is needed. |
Vaccination Program
Months | Vaccine | Adult Goat | Kids (above 6 months) | |
January | Contagious pleura pneumonia (C.C.P.P.) | 0.2 ml I/dermal | 0.2 ml I/dermal | |
March | 5 ml S/c | 2.5 ml S/c | ||
April | Goat Pox | Scrach method | Scarch method | |
May | Entero toxaemia F.M.D. |
5 ml S/c 5 ml S/c |
2.5 ml S/c 5 ml S/c |
June | Rinderpest | 1 ml S/c | 1 ml s/c | |
July | Black Quarter | 5 ml s/c | 2.5 ml s/c | |
August | F.M.D. | 5 ml s/c | 0.5 ml S/c | |
September | Enterotoxemia | 5 ml S/c |
2.5 ml S/c |